To the point In front of the castle: Tree: 2 Entrance Hall: Ladder Eastern Tower 2 Dungeon Entrance Eastern Tower 4 Eastern Tower Floor 1: Left Guardian 1 5 Right Guardian 0 8 Lower Guardian 9 Floor 2: Chalice upper right 38 21 Chalice lower middle 1 4 Chalice lower left 3 10 Floor 3: Doorway 0 6 Guy with Stones 25 25 Floor 4: Guy in Doorway b Red Button 02793 Floor 5: Flame 1 1 2 Flame 2 47 33 Flame 3 27183 Monster 1 2 Dungeon: Popup Monster e Treasure Monster 1 02679 37321 Treasure Monster 2 17 216 Guardian 1 1 2 Guardian 2 20833 Guardian 3 35 Main Hall: - Portal BuMa: - Portal Algebra: - Portal Calculus: - Main Portal: 1. Barrier 1 2 2 2. Barrier 2 91 1 BuMa-House: Cellar 1: - Entrance Hall: Switch 482531 Mirror World 2: - Annex: Switch 293697 Cellar 2: - In front of the house: - 1. Floor: Switch 1 080 Switch 2 148296 151414 Switch 3 183956 295195 Guy in front of mirror 228620 Mirror World 1: Monster 1 (right) 28202 Monster 2 (bottom) 17381 Monster 3 (upper left) 10898 Monster 4 (middle right) 50612 Attic: Switch 20000000 21482826 19579234 Guardian 37941062 38574722 Boss 2826533 2013691 Castle Integral: Guardian 772 Boss 09998 Algebra: Desert: c Flying Castle: - Overworld: - Temple: Nun 12 Mother Superior 7737 Flying Arena: Guardian 6 7 95 96 Forest: Entrance: Fairy 1 Labyrinth: Guardian 1 (left) 1 8 4 1 Guardian 2 (top) 6 7 2 3 Guardian 3 (middle) 2 1 5 5 1 1 Guardian 4 (lower right) 1 5 2 3 7 8 Large Tree: Guardian 1 (lower left) 3 12 6 0 Guardian 2 (middle left) 1 5 3 13 Guardian 3 (upper left) 7 7 9 5 Guardian 4 (upper right) 14 22 94 94 Guardian 5 (lower right) 8 97 7 96 Tree Top: Guardian 1 0 2 Guardian 2 94 4 91 Boss 2 2 2 1 Calculus: In front of the cave: Left guardian 1 Right guardian 2 Cave level 1: Guardian 1 91 1 Guardian 2 e Guardian 3 1 Cave level 2: First cell door 1 Second cell door 5 Guardian 1 (lower left) c Guardian 2 (upper left) b Guardian 3 (upper middle) d Door 1 (left) 2 Door 2 (right) 4 Cave level 3: Guardian 1 (lower left) 91 1 Guardian 2 (upper left) 2 0 Guardian 3 (middle) 0 0 Guardian 4 (right) 0 1 Cave level 4: Guardian 1 (middle left) 94 98 0 0 Guardian 2 (upper left) 0 0 Sphere 1 Minimum 93 0 Sphere 2 2 025 Sphere 3 Saddlepoint 3 0 Hell: Guardian 1 e Guardian 2 3 3 Guardian 3 91 91 1 1 Boss 92 1 2 91 Castle Eigen: Door 1 1 1 Door 2 1 0